Kent and Medway Mental Health Crisis helpline:

– if you are currently receiving care or treatment from KMPT you can call 0800 783 9111

– if you are not currently receiving care or treatment from KMPT you can reach this service by dialling 111 and pressing option 2 when it is offered to you. There will be someone to answer your call at any time of the day or night, any day of the week. You do not need an appointment and all calls are free.

Kent and Medway Safe Havens (run by Mental Health Matters)

Safe Havens can help when your usual sources of mental health support are closed for the night. This is a walk-in service offering face-to-face support, as well as phone and video calls in a non-clinical environments, sometimes known as ‘crisis cafes’. Open 6pm-11pm every day (including weekends and bank holidays) at Kestrel House, Knightrider Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6LU. People using The Kent and Medway Safe Haven will also be supported by the 24/7 helpline, which offers access to emotional support and information even when The Haven is closed. Call: 01622 809 945 – 07484 061684 – 07816 362606

Mental Health Matters webchat

If you’re not comfortable talking on the telephone, you can speak to Mental Health Matters staff via webchat (which works a bit like Facebook messenger). Visit their website to access the webchat:


Find information and support for your mental health on the NHS website: or call 111

Release the Pressure (run by Mental Health Matters)

A free helpline – 0800 107 0160. It also runs a text service – text ‘Kent’ or ‘Medway’ to 85258 for free confidential support.


A free helpline – 116 123. You can also email and someone will respond within 24 hours.