Mental Health

You can download our Referral Form by clicking the link below:
Word version of Referral Form
PDF version of Referral Form
Blackthorn Trust is a long-established Health and Community Hub offering holistic/anthroposophical therapies and workshops. We support a range of long-term health conditions including mental health and chronic pain. You may contend with a condition such as stress and anxiety and depression, long Covid or ME, fatigue, or insomnia. We offer placements over several months and allow time to gain the strength and resilience people need to live a more fulfilling life.
We offer a six-month placement which addresses Mental Health and Long-Term health conditions. We offer a range of social therapeutic workshops: breadmaking, café, craft, cooking, gardening, plant nursery, stained glass and woodwork.
Your placement may also include one-to-one therapy sessions. Our holistic therapies address the whole person and we endeavour to support you to manage your symptoms while at the same time strengthening your confidence and motivation. The therapies that we offer are Arts Counselling, Biographical Counselling, CranioSacral Therapy, Eurythmy Therapy, Metal Colour Light Therapy and Rhythmical Massage.
Each individual is accompanied by a staff mentor throughout their six-month programme. During their time with us, individuals have the opportunity to:
– build confidence
– develop life and social skills
– meet people, develop friendships and reduce isolation
– access to 1:1 therapies as available
– build resilience and manage well being
– identify aspirations for the future
– prepare for employment through routine, structure and teamwork
– learn practical work skills
– be sign posted to partner organisations to explore next steps
– access specialist advice and support on housing, benefits, debt and employment issues
– To be 16 years of age or over.
– To experience mental health difficulties or struggle with a diagnosed long-term condition.
– To be open and willing to engage on site with the Blackthorn programme.
– Suitability for this programme will be decided following an initial assessment.
At Blackthorn we endeavour to create a therapeutic environment where people can feel safe to grow and develop. Applicants need to bring a willingness and readiness to engage.
Unfortunately, we are NOT able to offer placements to people who have:
– Recent history (last 3 years) or current tendency to violence
– History of sexual offences
– Current alcohol/substance misuse or addiction
– A need for 1 to1 supervision
Please note that individuals who have left Blackthorn would only be eligible to be re-referred after 3 years of being discharged from the programme.
We ask that individuals be referred by their GP or Mental Health professional.
Surgeries hold our referral form on their database. Alternatively, you can download it, take to your GP and ask them to return the completed form to:
Download our Referral Form here
Please note that all programmes are subject to meeting certain criteria, details of which can be found in the referral form.
We also offer a range of Self-pay therapeutic services; more information can be found be clicking HERE.


“A number of clients of Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust Maidstone Community Mental Health team have benefitted from a Co-Workers placement at Blackthorn Trust as a pathway to return to paid employment.

The placements have proved incredibly successful and with outstanding care and support from staff, volunteers and indeed other Co-Workers, many people have made the vital transition back to paid employment having a positive impact on their mental health recovery.”

Jeanette Freeman Vocational Rehabilitation Lead, NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust